Monday is here again - working, working, working. I enjoyed my weekend & you?? Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting several bloggers prior to Blogfest & we shared stories and appetizers, cocktails and so on. Fun time!

Today I'm bringing you an easy breezy DIY project - from shoes I actually had on last night.  These particular heels have been a part of my wardrobe for about 4 years now. I've never been crazy about them so, with all the neon craze going around, I figured, why not add some neon accents to them?? ....with PAINT!
All you need is paint, creativity & a good pedicure to make your shoe look
pretty! You can CREATE any design you wish, but I decided to do abstract art.

I chose a hot pink color by Pebeo paints, a favorite of mine! Then I added a few other accents in gold & black. The design I chose was inspired by the painting in the background....lovely isn't it?
Now hopefully you'll get out your old shoes, and put them to use
